Monday, December 23, 2013

Is being Vegan really possible?

When I think of being Vegan, I think of someone who is doing the most good by doing the best they can to cut out all animal products. When others judge me as a Vegan, I can come across as a hypocrite. Why a hypocrite? Because our society has done a phenomenal job of sneaking animal products into EVERYTHING. When I say everything, I mean everything. This includes plastic, cardboard, body soap, cleaning products, paints and the big one was medications! Not only is there animal products in medications but the FDA requires animal testing.

I really hope one day our society realizes that animal testing is so archaic given the era we live in today. Surely it is not necessary anymore. If we can put a man on the moon, are we not that intelligent to figure out alternative ways of testing?

This was very hard for me to accept. I even tore off my bumper sticker that reads I think therefore I am Vegan. It was just all in all discouraging for me.

The only sane way I could see this situation is I am saving many animals by being a dietary vegan and I am doing my best to filter out products with animal ingredients or animal testing but while I am doing my best, I cannot cut out animal products completely.

Call me a hypocrite if you may but I am still saving more animals then you.

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